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The Last Butterfly
Text příspěvku:Saw some years ago the movie, "The Last Butterfly" which was based upon this nazi camp. Found it a very moving film. Last night watched a PBS special dealing with Terezin. At the end they showed photos of babies and the young children that were there and most likely killed. Seeing this and seeing it was little ones that died made me cry. Just the thought of makes me misty eyed as I type. Being a 42 year old American male and living in the US has allowed me be fortunate to grow up and live in nation that is free from the horrors that happened and is happening. As much as we all should be sad for those that suffered, we as much should never forget, so it can never happen again. Sadly, it has happenned (Rwanda, Bosnia, Cambodia), maybe not as much of a large scale, but still has happenned. Those who want to e-mail, feel free. Just use Butterfly in your subject line. Also, hope you know English, since I do not know Czech or any other language than English. Take Care. Mark


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