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Terezín was established at the end of the 18th century as a fortress; still surrounded by its massive ramparts, the town lies at the confluence of the rivers Labe (Elbe) and Ohře (Eger). The Main and Lesser Fortresses at Terezín, although modern for their period, gradually became obsolete, and having lost their military function fell into disregard. Only in the relatively recent past has Terezín once again entered the world's public consciousness as a tragic symbol of the sufferings of the tens of thousands of innocent people who died here during the Nazi occupation of their homeland.

Location:The town lies 3km south of Litoměřice on the river Labe (Elbe) in northern Bohemia; the Lesser Fortress lies 1km east of the town.
Address:Principova alej 304, 411 55  Terezín, Czech Republic (Administrative offices)
Telephone:+420 416 782 225, +420 416 782 442, +420 416 782 131
mobile +420 606 632 914 and +420 604 241 179
Fax:+420 416 782300, +420 416 782245
Opening hours:Lesser Fortress: October-March daily 800am-430pm * April-September daily 800am-600pm
Ghetto Museum & Magdeburg Barracks: October-March daily 900am-530pm * April-September daily 900am-600pm
Crematorium: April-November daily except Saturdays 1000am-500pm.
Admission charges:One element - The Lesser Fortress or The Ghetto Museum:
160,- Kč full * 130,- Kč reduced
The Lesser Fortress + The Ghetto Museum + The Magdeburg Barracks 180,- Kč full * 140,- Kč reduced
Tours::Independent or guided, 90 minutes. Material for guides must be ordered in writing in advance.
Services:Tour reservations, souvenir sales, archives, educational seminars.
Still & video photography:free * no
Parking:600 m (pay) * 600 m (pay)
Barrier-free access:no
Train * Bus:3 km (Bohusovice nad Ohri) * 500 m (Terezin)
Tenant:Památník Terezín (The Terezín Memorial)

The annual report for the year 2002 can be found HERE.

The annual report for the year 2001 can be found HERE.



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All rights reserved

Srdečně Vás zveme 14. 08. 2003 na výstavu Wojtek Polcyn - grafika do předsálí kina Malé pevnosti. Výstava končí v říjnu 2003.

Wojtek Polcyn, grafika - klikni pro zvětšení
Terezín Memorial and Wimbledon (school of Art) cordially invite you to the memorial exhibition Für das Kind from Rosie Potter & Patricie Ayre. Ceremonial opening takes part on 10. 7. 2003 at 2 pm in the Ghetto Museum Terezín. The exhibition finishes on 30. 10. 2003.

Rosie Potter & Patricie Ayre - klikni pro zvětšení
The Lesser Fortress is already accessible.
The underground passage is closed.
VeThere is no danger to the visitors in all objects of the Terezin Memorial.

Národní hřbitov - klikni pro zvětšení
 Dear visitors,
Request for help
The Terezín Memorial needs your help because of serious damages caused by the heavy floods. Account-Nr.: 161850292 bank code: 0600 Name of the bank: GE Capital bank Litoměřice.
Thank you.

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Terezín, Rekonstrukce vězeňské ubikace z doby ghetta
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 Other monuments
can be found at
pamatky.pruvodce.com www.guide-prague.cz
 Our tip
  Jewish Museum in Prague 
Project Holocaust
Institute of Terezin iniciative 
Hana Greenfield  
CzList Travel